Received International Standard Book Numbers for books ‘Effective Digital Marketing Strategy’ and ‘Designing Effective Business Plan’

Received International Standard Book Numbers for books ‘Effective Digital Marketing Strategy’ and ‘Designing Effective Business Plan’

Received International Standard Book Numbers for books ‘Effective Digital Marketing Strategy’ and ‘Designing Effective Business Plan’

Hello, I have just received International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) for books I have authored ‘Effective Digital Marketing Strategy’ and ‘Designing Effective Business Plan’. I had already received ISBN for the book ‘Effective Marketing for Entrepreneurs’ sometime back. So now I all the three books I have authored have ISBNs as follows:

Effective Digital Marketing Strategy, ISBN 978-93-5361-884-1

Designing Effective Business Plan, ISBN 978-93-5361-920-6

Effective Marketing for Entrepreneurs, ISBN 978-93-5351-810-3

You can find book details here