Dr. Sachin Bhide

Dr. Sachin Mohan Bhide


Sachin is a Founder at Eha Management Consultancy. He has a proven track record of providing marketing strategy designing services and have successfully completed more than 40 consulting projects. He has more than two decades of experience. He has co-authored a case study which was published by Harvard Business Review. He has authored the books ‘Designing effective business plan’, ‘Effective marketing for entrepreneurs’ and ‘Effective digital marketing strategy’. He has authored numerous research papers, articles and blogs. He is an award-winning speaker and has received Best Speaker & Best Table Topic Master award at Toastmaster club in California, USA. He is an award winning trainer. He has taught numerous management subjects at leading management institutes. He has earned PhD in Marketing. He has done Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and Commerce. His expert opinions are covered in leading publications through print, radio, Television and digital media. He is certified in Organizational Analysis by Stanford University and Foundations of Project Management by Google

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